Thursday, 7 June 2012

A simple thank you goes a long way.

Have you ever gone out of your way to give someone a gift and never got a simple "thank you"? or if you did get, it was just a casual one that left you thinking OK! know what am saying?

It happened to me the other day. I went out of my way with excitement to buy someone a birthday gift and up to now umm, my eyes are still glued to my phone lest I receive a call from the said person just to say aaaw...thanks I liked the gift very much :-). My love language is words of affirmation you can tell?. You see, I had spent the entire week wondering what to buy for them. Then viola! I got this great idea and bought some sweet things (Ha! so I think...)  Yes I was waiting for feedback so that I may know if I made a good choice.

Okay, the way I handed the gift was in a hurry maybe that's why I never got even a hug but at least I got a smile :-)

I knew we would catch up later and receive that tight hug you know! but nothing. Then  I was like...eeh why did I even bother? Instantly while I was still whining, this thought came to my mind; How many times has God blessed me with THINGS and I never even remembered to say a simple thank you?

How many times have I prayed and even fasted for God to bless me? To intervene in a tough situation? and yet when He did, I acted like it was my right to get it. Or all I did was just saying wow thank God I got this. Or even I did not notice the blessing when it came. So sad I even called it a good luck....a nice day for me. All the same knowing very well I don't believe in luck. By the way does good luck ever exist? Or I gave credit to the person whom God had used to pass the gift to me... asking God to return to them a hundred fold because they blessed me with something I really needed. Without putting God in the picture.

This got my heart so broken before God. I asked God to forgive me for ignoring Him even when He Has given me sooo much more abundantly far above what I had asked  and what I hadn't asked for.

The most precious gift I have ever received is Love, Mercy and Grace from God. So precious because, He went the extra mile to GIVE HIS ONLY SON to die brutally just so I may receive eternal life.

Yet, how many times do I just take time to thank God from the bottom of my heart for this Great Gift? I mean just dedicating special time to do so. When I wake up every morning, how many times do I even remember to thank God for the gift of life knowing very well its a privilege to see a new day? Do I make it a consistent thing to thank God for my family, for my friends, for my nation and for my Job?

You know, think about it, if God was a human being like me and you, He would have so given up on us a long time ago.

He does not come to us demanding for a "Thank you" and attention. He is such a gentleman :-) Not petty. So marvelous for me to fathom.

Just to mention and another privilege, Never in my entire life have I been sick to a point of getting admitted to the hospital. I don't know how hospital beds feels to lie on them and I do not wish to feel them any day. Another privilege, since the year began and its half way to end, I have not caught even a cold. I have not had a headache nor a stomachache or anything to make me take medicine.

What can I call this if its not amazing Grace?

Who will call me a friend when the relationship here is not always two way?

So Lord... please forgive me for the many times I have taken you for granted.(Ask me and like Simon Peter, I will deny three times before the cock crows) Yet its so true. Forgive me for not loving you unconditionally as I should. Forgive me for searching for you enthusiastically only when am in desperate situations...that time when am pressed between two rocks.

But how His  mercy endures forever!

Thank you Lord for Amazing Grace. Thank you for NOT giving up on me. Thank you for Loving me unconditionally.

Am truly Grateful.

What are you thankful to God about?share with us in the comments section below.

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