Thursday, 20 June 2013

Let's show love by donating #Fulanas (Sweaters)

Everyone deserves to be loved and to be cared for. Everyone ought to love and show care.

This cold season is barely two weeks but its already becoming unbearable. It's winter time in Kenya.One has  to get creative and dress up really warm so as not to end up trembling the whole day like a drenched sheep.Or so not to catch a cold or worse, pneumonia.  People are seen cuddling on their hot water bottles, those who can, some are drinking hot water, coffee, tea, drinking chocolate or whatever throughout the day to fight the cold.

Today am rather overdressed... am wearing a sweater and a heavy jacket on top just so that I can keep myself warm. While I have an option of wearing two at ago, someone somewhere in the streets has none. And am not talking about chics who pretend they are not feeling cold by exposing themselves. Am talking about the people who live in the streets because they have no home. The street is their home and they don't have options for what to wear or how to wear. Amongst this people, there are kids, even infants and toddlers. Some of them are elderly, some disabled, but what to do, they have no option! While me and you struggle to wake up every other morning from our warm beds because we are complaining of how cold it is outside, them they are out in that cold and not just out, but lying down on cold cemented floor or if lucky, they sleep on hard cartons with some extremely dirty pieces of clothes to cover up themselves. Some get inside a sack and that's it. They sleep like that day in day out. That's their lifestyle!

That is so saddening isn't it? But feeling sorry just for the thought of it is NOT enough! There is more we can do. That is why some friends have started out a project (Hearts & Fulanas) of urging Kenyans to collect as many sweaters or anything that can keep someone warm and then to be distributed with hearts of love to this awesome but helpless people. There are designated drop-off points and contacts for calling for more clarifications.(see poster)

How to get Involved:

As I mentioned above, we ought to love and love with actions as well. Having the kind of compassion that Jesus had. Compassion is what drove Jesus to love us all.

Compassion defined: Your pain in my heart; feeling someone else's pain 

 Two Great truths about compassion:

  • Compassion is holding God and man in one thought at one time, at all times.
  • Compassion drives me to involvement.
My heart was so moved and convicted at the same time when I saw this project's mission. To love and hug. That is basically what they are offering. Nothing more but love. Everything in me wanted to be a part of this great idea. How can I help was the question I asked myself. And the answer, I need to get involved by donating and spreading the word too!

Once you read this, please tweet, share on Facebook, talk about it, do anything to make sure everyone is aware.

Let's spread the hug, love and donate Fulanas. Let's get involved. Won't we?

 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. (2 Corinthians 9: 6-10)