Wednesday, 9 November 2011


I guess what is ringing in your mind after reading the heading above is, how dare she ask this question? Does she think I am a commodity to be valued by money? Relax! It is not that way.

This is something I personally have been disturbed with for quite some time now. If you have a yahoo account, probably you have gotten this in your inbox that so and so bought you on tagged. After getting these funny messages for quite some time, ignoring and deleting many of them because they are kind of a nuisance, one time I decided to open one and just see how on earth this person thinks I can cost. And there is even a price in dollars. Believe you me I did not start calculating the amount because I knew if I do, I will be very disappointed with whomever. Anyway it’s because it did not matter to me what a mere person will try to put value on me.

For many reasons, people tend to put value on others based on what they expect from them or let me say, what they perceive of them.

For instance:

To a politician, you are just but a vote.
In my Country Kenya, the general elections are just around the corner. The politicians are now trying “to be nice” to their potential voters. One thing that really amazes me is when they (politicians) see/counts people as votes. You will hear them say they are expecting a certain number of votes in a particular area rather than to say, they are expecting a certain number of voters.

To the Matatu crew (public service vehicle operators), you are just but the amount you are paying for that ride.
On many occasions, I have overheard the touts tell the driver beba pesa or usiwache pesa (don’t leave money). For the period you are in that vehicle, you are compared to money because that is what matters to them and not you as a person.

To a television news anchor, you are just but a viewer (mtazamaji).
They will greet you “good morning or good evening viewers”. You are just one who views or watches. Really! By the way don’t get me wrong here. Am just trying to prove a point OK!

To a radio presenter, you are just but a listener (msikilizaji).
They will refer to you as a listener.mmh! Though some presenters are quite considerate and they will acknowledge that they don’t take your listenership for granted. That is so awesome and you just don’t know what it means to me when I hear that. You know, there are so many radio stations this days that someone can actually choose to listen to but for you to identify one and stick to it, when you are appreciated its just makes you feel at home.hehe

This are just but a few I could mention.

While the world is trying to brand us, I have realized that many people as a result, suffer from identity syndrome in that, they cannot tell who they actually are.

Well I have some good news for you. You are not forgotten. You are a child of the most high God. He knows your name. He calls each one of us by our respective names. He knew you even before your parents conceived you. To Him, you are not just a vote, a viewer, or a listener but His beloved. You are sooo valuable to Him.

He went the extra mile and paid a huge price for you and me. That we may know and comprehend who we really are. He gave His only son Jesus, to die for me and you that we may be redeemed back to Him for we were lost. We didn’t have identity. Or rather we had a bad identity. We were branded as “the lost” imagine! But now we have a new name in Christ. We are called, the redeemed of the Lord. The friends of God, the children of God and the list are endless for what He perceives of us.

There is this powerful quote I read, though the author is unknown to me. It says, until you identify whose you are, then you will know who you are.

So, for you who already you have been given a new name after accepting Christ as your  saviour, why struggle with what the world says you are and yet you know whose you are? You have a new name so quit doubting about who you are. Have total confidence. You were bought with a veeery precious gift, the blood of Jesus. You are valuable!
And for you who are yet to accept Him, He is waiting on you my dear. This world has nothing to offer but to brand you some unworthy names. But trust me, you are worthy, you are valuable, you are special, yes you are! He is waiting eagerly for the day you will understand how much it cost Him for you to leave again. The day you will not let that precious prize go to waste and say, here I am LORD! I surrender all. Take me to your self.

Knowing who you are is depended upon believing in yourself. Know your value and stand firm in it.

Here are a few lines for you to help in believing in who you are:
  • When the world tells you you will never ever amount to anything, Say NO am not, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!
  • When the world calls you stupid, say NO am not, I have the mind of Christ!
  • When the world tells you can’t make it in life, say NO, I am more than a conqueror!
  • When the world says you are a nobody, say you know whose you are!

You are Valuable….

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