Thursday, 7 June 2012

A simple thank you goes a long way.

Have you ever gone out of your way to give someone a gift and never got a simple "thank you"? or if you did get, it was just a casual one that left you thinking OK! know what am saying?

It happened to me the other day. I went out of my way with excitement to buy someone a birthday gift and up to now umm, my eyes are still glued to my phone lest I receive a call from the said person just to say aaaw...thanks I liked the gift very much :-). My love language is words of affirmation you can tell?. You see, I had spent the entire week wondering what to buy for them. Then viola! I got this great idea and bought some sweet things (Ha! so I think...)  Yes I was waiting for feedback so that I may know if I made a good choice.

Okay, the way I handed the gift was in a hurry maybe that's why I never got even a hug but at least I got a smile :-)

I knew we would catch up later and receive that tight hug you know! but nothing. Then  I was like...eeh why did I even bother? Instantly while I was still whining, this thought came to my mind; How many times has God blessed me with THINGS and I never even remembered to say a simple thank you?

How many times have I prayed and even fasted for God to bless me? To intervene in a tough situation? and yet when He did, I acted like it was my right to get it. Or all I did was just saying wow thank God I got this. Or even I did not notice the blessing when it came. So sad I even called it a good luck....a nice day for me. All the same knowing very well I don't believe in luck. By the way does good luck ever exist? Or I gave credit to the person whom God had used to pass the gift to me... asking God to return to them a hundred fold because they blessed me with something I really needed. Without putting God in the picture.

This got my heart so broken before God. I asked God to forgive me for ignoring Him even when He Has given me sooo much more abundantly far above what I had asked  and what I hadn't asked for.

The most precious gift I have ever received is Love, Mercy and Grace from God. So precious because, He went the extra mile to GIVE HIS ONLY SON to die brutally just so I may receive eternal life.

Yet, how many times do I just take time to thank God from the bottom of my heart for this Great Gift? I mean just dedicating special time to do so. When I wake up every morning, how many times do I even remember to thank God for the gift of life knowing very well its a privilege to see a new day? Do I make it a consistent thing to thank God for my family, for my friends, for my nation and for my Job?

You know, think about it, if God was a human being like me and you, He would have so given up on us a long time ago.

He does not come to us demanding for a "Thank you" and attention. He is such a gentleman :-) Not petty. So marvelous for me to fathom.

Just to mention and another privilege, Never in my entire life have I been sick to a point of getting admitted to the hospital. I don't know how hospital beds feels to lie on them and I do not wish to feel them any day. Another privilege, since the year began and its half way to end, I have not caught even a cold. I have not had a headache nor a stomachache or anything to make me take medicine.

What can I call this if its not amazing Grace?

Who will call me a friend when the relationship here is not always two way?

So Lord... please forgive me for the many times I have taken you for granted.(Ask me and like Simon Peter, I will deny three times before the cock crows) Yet its so true. Forgive me for not loving you unconditionally as I should. Forgive me for searching for you enthusiastically only when am in desperate situations...that time when am pressed between two rocks.

But how His  mercy endures forever!

Thank you Lord for Amazing Grace. Thank you for NOT giving up on me. Thank you for Loving me unconditionally.

Am truly Grateful.

What are you thankful to God about?share with us in the comments section below.

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Friday, 20 April 2012

Humility is not a weakness.

I was chatting with two of my girlfriends some day, and the topic of our discussion was "What are some of the attitudes that God has dealt with in our lives?" One of us shared on how God has dealt with her pride and is still dealing with it.

You see, growing spiritually never gets to a point of  "I now know enough and am good in this area." It is a daily process and all you need to do is just to humble yourself before the Lord, and let Him point out any time the areas that needs more fixing. This girl believed/believes in herself extremely. Which is a great strength by the way but when it gets to a point whereby you cannot be corrected or you start looking down upon others, it becomes a weakness right there.

One funny incident of my friend's confessions that really made us laugh out loudly was when she was meant to be auditioned for some choir. So, the people in charge of the auditions asks her if she can sing and He! the girl was o-f-f-e-n-d-e-d big time. "What do you mean can I sing?" She thought to herself. As it was required therefore, she began singing with attitude just to prove that she can sing and this people seems to think she can not. In other words, to be auditioned was a way doubting her talent. She believed 110% that she could sing better. I mean, this was not going to be the first time for her to sing!

The obvious of the outcome was, Disqualified! The reason she was disqualified was not because she could not sing but because of pride that she had.

Since that time, it dawned on her that she was wrong. God began to deal with her thoroughly. She just realized that her pride was not going to take her anywhere.

Pride is one thing that God really hates. It was pride that made Lucifer (Satan) to be thrown down from heaven when he tried to exalt himself above God. Ezekiel 28:17 (NIV) "Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendour.So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings."

It is evident that no one has ever tried to uplift himself and succeeded. All who tried failed just like the story of the Tower of Babel in the Bible and so,1st Peter 5:6 says, " Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that He may in due time raise you up.

Whoever makes himself prominent will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be set high.

We serve a merciful God and of a second chance. All we need to do is just surrender. To come to that place where we can say, God am so sorry, I have tried to be the driver but ended up falling into a ditch and so, I need your help. It does not cost you anything to be sorry. It might be a process but God is always patient with us.

The prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32 came back to His senses and decided to go and ask his father if could make him as one of his hired servants. see his words; Vs. 18 "I will rise and go to my father and say to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you, and I no longer deserve to be called your son; take me on as one of your hired hands." That is humility right there.Realizing and accepting your mistakes and knowing you need help.

Have you struggled with pride before? How did you deal with it? Encourage someone. 


Are you currently struggling with pride? Let us hear how you are willing to walk out of it in the comments section below.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

So, you are waiting for Mr. right... are you a Miss right?

Every single girl dreams of hooking up with "Mr. right" some day.True or false?

Especially during this beginning of the year while everyone is making new resolutions.

By the way, does Mr. right ever exist? Yes. No. Maybe.

Mr. right here, is the famous tall, dark and handsome or a man who has taste in fine things like clothing and gadgets, treats you as a queen, has a good paying job with a big company, drives a nice big car and lives in some respected residential area and is generous to shower her with many gifts.

A part from him owning the "fine things", he's got to have other characteristics that most women would term it as "added advantages". He has to be a man who lets her pass through the door or the gate first, opens the car door for her, pulls a sit for her at the restaurant, is proud to walk with her while holding hands e.t.c

OK, well. I know it's not all women who are into all this, but let's be real. I hear every aspiring wife has this list of expectations of the would be husband and if they don't have one, then its considered as a serious requirement.

In pursuit to all this characteristics, it has led to prolonged singleness to some of my sisters. All I know from the knowledge I have acquired is that, NOT every man will have all this requirements. Surely sisters! don't you think that's too much of expectation from someone? or is it too overrated?

Off course every lady would want to be pampered, but watch out not miss the mark while focusing on the earthly things that fades away. I totally agree. No woman would want to hook up with some unkempt and irresponsible guy or a guy who does not value women and has got no respect to them whatsoever.

My point is, by the time a woman thinks of being found by a "Mr. right", she should have prepared her self to be a "Miss right" first. You can only attract one of your kind. So ironical it happens, we put so much focus on what we want and forget to consider who we should be.

You can not be asking God to bring along a man who will be faithful to you while you are sleeping around in your singlehood. A man who will respect and love you unconditionally while you are struggling with submission to those in authority over you. A man who will protect and take care of you while you are careless with your own self. A man who is hardworking while you are lazy and unreliable. I could go on and on but all am trying to imply is, before you ask for something, evaluate yourself to see if you can offer the same. And what you do now as a single woman, it will determine the future you want.If you know you are not so strong in any area, then you can start early preparations as the grace is ever sufficient and the Lord grants you your heart desires.

The book of Proverbs 31 in the bible inspired me to write this article after I read that chapter the other day and I was taken aback by the new revelation. It talks about the strengths of a woman. A Godly woman. The kind of woman that the man is told about her in Proverbs 18:22. She is a goodly portion and earns him favour from the Lord. 

From this chapter, let's have a look at some strengths and characteristics that an aspiring (even married) Godly wife should have in my own summarized form.

Reading from verse 10:

She is a woman of character.

She is trustworthy.

She is submissive.

She is wise.

She is hardworking.

She is responsible.

She is Visionary - she sees the future from now.

She is a protector.

She is descent.

She is not a gossiper.

She is a blessing.

She is praiseworthy.

She is irreplaceable or non-comparable.

She is God fearing - she reveres the LORD.

Who can find a woman with strength of character? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will never lack profit.

"Many daughters have done nobly, but you transcend them all." Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who reveres the LORD will be praised. Acknowledge the product of her hands; let her works praise her in the gates.

And my prayer is that may every baby girl be found with this great qualities. Let's kill that notion of "This days it's hard to find a woman to marry." Let our characters be displayed in all that we do,wherever we go,and whatever we say.AMEN!

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Starting well.

Towards the end of  2011, I attended a powerful kesha (overnight prayer meeting) and the minister of God was sharing with us in conclusion to a series of messages he had been teaching on, themed "Finishing well".

Obviously it was not finishing well the year 2011, but this journey/walk with our Lord Jesus Christ.

On finishing well, he pointed out that it requires one to be determined. To be determined is not a gift but a choice by the way. It is to decide or settle for something conclusively.

In my world this brand new year 2012, as everyone else is busy setting new year's resolutions, we are going to twist the "Finishing well" to "Starting well" as an idea for some resolutions to those of us who might find it helpful.

Pretty much, Starting well also requires determination.

For you start well, you need to:

1. Know who you are.

Its really hard to start well if at all you don't know yourself. 

Many of us tend to think that other people should be able to define us (including myself sometimes). 

Focus on finding yourself. When you know yourself, you will not struggle with what you want to become or about what others think of you.

2. know what/who you want to become.
Many people have dreams of power, popularity, wealth and many more but there is another kind of dream that is even more powerful and far more fulfilling. Finding and following God's dream for our lives. 

Search yourself and find that one thing that puts a smile on your face when you do it. Ask God for guidance and pursue it. 

3. Choose to be free.

(Galatians 5:1) "For this freedom Christ has liberated us. Stand firm, then and do not be held fast again by a yoke of servitude". This is one of the scriptures that am holding on to this year.  

You need to be free this year. Free from things that have been holding you captive (you know them). Take the initiative to set some goals for your life. Refuse to be a slave to your failures if any.

4. Take care of your relationships.

One of the greatest relationships you need to take care of, is with our creator. If you have a personal one with Him,take it a notch higher. If you don't have it yet, what are are you waiting for? His arms are wide open waiting to receive you.   

Your family should come first after God. Purpose to spend quality time with them. Cultivate that closeness that you share. Stand firm with them in whatever they might be going through whether good or bad. 

Your friends (those with good morals) also play a big role in your life. Communication is a key and is channeled from both sides. When it's one person driving the relationship and silence from the other end, then there is a problem. 

Relatives. See who you haven't talked to, called or visited in a long time and create time to do so. We need them dearly in our lives. (if you are not married yet, they are the ones that will fill a larger percentage of guests on your wedding day. you see!) :-)

5. Stick to your goals. Avoid procrastination.

It's almost a tradition that resolutions are made but very few are  achieved by the end of the year.Well,as we said from the beginning, determination is not a gift but what? a choice!. 
You make it a choice to make possible what you desire. No one else is responsible for your life but you. Purpose to complete tasks. Give yourself a deadline for your goals.Quit saying I will do this later.