The Beautiful me... |
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. So the world will tell you. The Bible on the other hand will tell you, You are made from the image of God. And not just that but, You are fearfully and wonderfully made... (Psalms 139:13,14). At the end of the day, whose report will you believe? My answer, It's a choice! Yes it is an individual's responsibility to choose what to feed your mind. Someone once said, what you feed grows.
Though for a moment, I stop and think for someone to hear, they need to be told! and once they have heard, for them to believe what they are told, they need someone again to affirm that. Sadly, most people don't get that someone. Someone who will be there to tell and make them to believe in themselves. Someone to boost their self esteem.
Every daughter needs at least a male figure in her life to affirm her beauty. Fathers need to play that role very well and in cases where one is a single mother, they need to make sure that they let that baby girl know from a tender age that she is beautiful... hearing it over and over, she will grow in confidence and when she's all grown and get to the age of attracting men's attention, she will not be hearing it for the first time. And she will not be lured into deception by just a mere "you are beautiful" because it won't be news to her. She already knows and believes that.
For the better part of my growing up, no one had ever told me that am beautiful. At least my memory can't recall. (Yes even my parents) Actually, I heard it for the first time when I became an adult. In fact to be precise, in church and that is when I had given my life to Christ. (but it didn't sink in) I grew up knowing that beauty was not one of my privileges... Someone once called me ugly imagine! And for the longest time, I would look myself in the mirror and confirm that in deed I wasn't beautiful. I thought beauty belonged to others, the light skinned and such.
To admit it, until very recently I was still struggling with my looks. OK. let me be honest, am still recovering because, time to time that feeling still comes.Someone would tell me am beautiful but deep down I would be like, that is just what they want me to hear but I know they don't really mean it. I would find other ladies beautiful and not me. I even avoided taking photos and when I did, and let's say I happen to upload it on Facebook, people would like or comment but I will be like, whatever, I don't really think so...
Like me before, I know there is a baby girl (men too) out there and you feel you are not as beautiful. Maybe because you have never been told or simply because you were once called sura mbaya (ugly) by your peers while playing and you believed that.Or it was by your parent(s)/guardian/teacher/whoever, you know who. Due to that, you believed their word.Words are powerful, whether positive or negative.As a result, you might have developed low self esteem which has tormented you the better part of your life. But you can overcome that feeling. Like I mentioned earlier above, you are responsible for your own self and just because you feel nobody is there for you, you don't have to kill yourself in self pity and despair. Brace yourself. Yes by believing in who God says you are. Just like Sinach sang so powerfully in her song "I know who I am" enjoy listening!
For the better part of my growing up, no one had ever told me that am beautiful. At least my memory can't recall. (Yes even my parents) Actually, I heard it for the first time when I became an adult. In fact to be precise, in church and that is when I had given my life to Christ. (but it didn't sink in) I grew up knowing that beauty was not one of my privileges... Someone once called me ugly imagine! And for the longest time, I would look myself in the mirror and confirm that in deed I wasn't beautiful. I thought beauty belonged to others, the light skinned and such.
To admit it, until very recently I was still struggling with my looks. OK. let me be honest, am still recovering because, time to time that feeling still comes.Someone would tell me am beautiful but deep down I would be like, that is just what they want me to hear but I know they don't really mean it. I would find other ladies beautiful and not me. I even avoided taking photos and when I did, and let's say I happen to upload it on Facebook, people would like or comment but I will be like, whatever, I don't really think so...
Like me before, I know there is a baby girl (men too) out there and you feel you are not as beautiful. Maybe because you have never been told or simply because you were once called sura mbaya (ugly) by your peers while playing and you believed that.Or it was by your parent(s)/guardian/teacher/whoever, you know who. Due to that, you believed their word.Words are powerful, whether positive or negative.As a result, you might have developed low self esteem which has tormented you the better part of your life. But you can overcome that feeling. Like I mentioned earlier above, you are responsible for your own self and just because you feel nobody is there for you, you don't have to kill yourself in self pity and despair. Brace yourself. Yes by believing in who God says you are. Just like Sinach sang so powerfully in her song "I know who I am" enjoy listening!
You are beautiful, believe it!
Question: Have you struggled with how you look? Or has anyone called you ugly and you believed it? How are you overcoming that lie? What are you doing to believe in yourself once again? Let's share to encourage someone in the comments section below